IMT-Filter Ltd.
Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 220045, Jerzy Giedroyc Street 2. On the map
Hours of work:
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
are chemically active textile materials using for air and water purification
highly efficient equipment for air purification in exhaust, supply and recirculation ventilation systems in various industries and agriculture

IMT – Ion-exchange Materials and Technologies

Research and production company IMT-Filter is a developer and manufacturer of chemically active fibrous materials Panion® and highly efficient gas-cleaning equipment

The products of the IMT-Filter company are unique and based on extensive scientific experience.

The high quality of the filtering materials PANION® and the ion exchange filters is confirmed by long-term partnerships with various industrial companies in Russia, Europe and South-East Asia.

Air purification

Air purification from toxic pollutants of acid, basic, organic nature and bad-smelling substances:

  • vapors of acid nature (SO2, HCl, HF, CrO3, NXOY, HCOOH etc.);
  • vapors of basic nature (NH3, amines etc.);
  • hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde;
  • sulfur dioxide CO;
  • odors, tobacco smoke, bad-smelling substances.
Water purification
  • Removal from drinking water ions of iron and heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, cuprum, nickel etc.) preserving its natural ionic background;
  • Water softening;
  • Selective removal ions of arsenic, silver and other metals.
Human protective means
  • Respiratory protection from toxic gases and vapors (respirators, protective masks,  etc.);
  • Protective clothing to prevent contact of human skin with chemically aggressive substances (chemical suits, overalls etc.);
  • Chemical wipes to remove drops and spills of acids and alkalis from human skin and surfaces of things.
Gas-cleaning equipment

Company IMT-Filter Ltd. produces high efficiency gas-cleaning equipment in exhaust, supply and recirculation ventilation systems in various industries and agriculture.

Filters with a capacity of 500-100 000 m3/h are designed for process and sanitary air purification from broad range of impurities, presented in the form of gases, vapors and aerosols.

Our company has a full production cycle of frame ion exchange filters FIF, contact filters CF, combined filters FIF-CF, absorption (scrubber) filters CF-(S), adsorption filters AF, pocket filters and components for them. We manufacture and accordingly control every assembly part of our equipment from filtering materials and construction of filter body to automatic control systems.